From SOAPscope to soapui

I use to be a very strong advocate for SOAPscope. That's before I upgraded from v4.1. to v5.2. Now I have an odd bug where I have to re-enter my licensing information every time I start the server. SOAPscope crashes when I attempt to add certain WSDLs to my project. And the new user interface is much much slower and a bit more clunky looking (making it difficult to navigate).

soapui to the rescue! A co-worker, Steve Keizer, turned me on to soapui yesterday. Then I noticed Chris McMahon had blogged about it (a strong reference in my mind). Within ten minutes, I had it up and running, pointing to my WSDL (the one that crashes SOAPscope), and had executed my first test. And, it's free...

I'll report back if I find any large problems, but for right now, I’m converted. It’s soapui for my day to day web service testing.