Bring up your Desktop in double-click!

Today I offer a time-saving tip for those who has to work on multiple test desktops, including virtual machines.

What do you do when preparing for your test session?

  • Opening folders?

  • Opening browsers?

  • Opening test cases?

  • Opening test reports?

  • Starting application-under-test?

If each desktop or VM is configured for a specific testing environment, the steps above probably become even more complicated.

  • Opening folders: "Well.. let's click "My computer"..then Q:\ drive... then "Projects".. then..."

  • Opening browsers: "What ip should I use, again? Is it 13.24.597.68:3397? "

Would you like to have a magic button to bring everything up in one click?


Today you can create one for yourself and your team.

[sourcecode language="bash"]

@echo off

REM Open mailbox
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE"

REM Open folders
explorer.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents"
explorer.exe "c:\project\test cases\module1"
explorer.exe "c:\temp"

REM Open browsers
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

REM Open bugtracker
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

REM Open documents
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Temp\TestReport.doc"
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Temp\TestPlan.xls"

REM Start Application Under Test
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe"

REM Last but not least
start "QuickTestingTips" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"



Create a text file on your desktop, and paste the source code.
Save the file and change its extension to ".bat". - You've just created an MS-DOS batch file.
Double-click on it to start it, or right-click and select "Edit" to put relevant parameters.

  • Use REM to comment out a line

  • Use quotes while supplying an extended syntax path (i.e. with long names and space characters between words)

  • Study extended MS-DOS batch file syntax if you want to make your scripts even more powerful

  • Store scripts in a shared folder to make them accessible by teammates

